Residential Boarding
- Student Life
- Residential Boarding
Within our caring APIS ‘ohana, boarding students build rich global relationships that last a life time.In an environment where everyone is known, our students find confidence and courage to reach for their highest aspirations and dreams. Students live in Learning Commons (LC) together with faculty dorm parents, learning to independently manage time, cleaning, and social skills. LC common areas also serve as daytime classrooms, evoking the ultimate living-learning community.
- New desks, closets, and beds
- Air conditioning
- Two students per room
- Bathroom facilities for every two rooms
- Twenty-five-meter swimming pool
- 97-acre campus with hiking, waterfalls, and Pacific ocean views
- Gated campus in rural community
- 24/7 security
- 5-day and 7-day boarding options
From alarm clock to lights out, here is a typical weekday of an APIS Hawai‘i residential boarding student.
7:00 - 7:45The alarm goes off.
Wake up, and get ready for school. -
7:45 - 8:10Enjoy a refreshing breakfast
at the school cafeteria. -
8:15 - 15:30Class is in session.
Every student excels through a
personalized curriculum. -
15:30 - 16:00Relax. Time to enjoy some snacks,
or meet with teachers for extra help. -
16:00 - 17:45Participate in various afternoon
activities and sports -
18:00 - 19:00Enjoy dinner, which often includes
announcements, celebrations, and student speakers. -
19:00 - 20:30Study and receive support from teachers
during evening study hall. -
21:00 - Until Bedtime (age dependent)Prepare for bed and lights out
APIS’ chef serves up delicious dishes for diverse preferences and palates. Weekday breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals always include meat and vegetarian options, and the weekend brunch serves a bounty of breakfast and lunch offerings to fuel a fun-filled weekend. Every month, APIS hosts a cultural night where food from a specific country in the world is featured alongside cultural lessons.
Learning at APIS does not stop when the school day ends. Our Signature Evening Study Hall Program offers additional academic support. From 7 to 8:30 p.m., students meet with teachers who specialize in content areas, like math, English, or East Asian languages, to receive individualized support. Art studio hours and music sessions are also offered.
Students arrive to school at the beginning of the school week and return home on Friday afternoons. It is truly the best of both worlds, allowing children to thrive at APIS’ North Shore O’ahu campus and gather with family on a weekly basis.

Every Friday afternoon, we take students to our local beach, right across the street from the school. The aqua blue water and pristine white sand offer the perfect place to relax and enjoy time with friends. Every Saturday and Sunday, students select trip options from around O‘ahu:
- Hiking
- Camping
- Snorkeling
- Surfing
- Museum visits
- Honolulu trips
- Movie outings
- Food tours
- Art classes
- Open Mic Nights
- Church services
- Shopping at Ala Moana Mall