Board of Directors
- About
- Board of Directors

The APIS Board foremostly promotes and ensures our school's mission and vision. Asia Pacific International School was founded with a unique purpose. Indeed, numerous international schools emphasize a global mindset, but APIS is a school like no other. I can think of three critical elements that set us apart.
Firstly, APIS is a Christ-centered community that welcomes all. It is because of, not in spite of, APIS' Christian roots that we are an inclusive community providing care and love for all of our community members. Nurtured in this environment that provides a commitment to one's beliefs and respect for others' differences, our students will become leaders who promote peace and service to humanity.
Secondly, APIS strongly believes that our vision of the future -- the New Pacific Century -- requires leaders who can bridge the gap between the East and the West. The name of our school bears that specific emphasis on our global education. As stewards of the school's vision, our board members feel a strong connection to APIS, not only because many of us have experienced APIS education as parents and grandparents but also because we, in our own personal and professional lives, have crossed or "code switched" back and forth between the East and the West. APIS is, therefore, purposeful in the design of nurturing leadership skills and character for the New Pacific Century.
Lastly, APIS is a school that emphasizes personalization and deeper learning. Today's schools should not serve our children in a factory-like environment designed for the masses. To this end, we are "small," so everyone is known and cared for in our community. To this end, we are progressive in adopting pedagogies and curriculums that promote agency and passion for learning. Slowly but surely, our school is gaining recognition from our parents, community members, and educational professionals at large. The real proof is that our graduates are already out there in the real world, making an impact and shaping the New Pacific Century!
Although our school is young, our board members are eager to serve the APIS community because of the promise of its bright future. We hope you will join us in supporting and ensuring the success of APIS and its commitment to nurturing leaders for the New Pacific Century.
Thank you,
- Promotes and ensures the APIS mission and vision
- Formulates School-wide policy
- Approves the school budget and provides fiscal oversight
- Develops and oversees school growth and strategic plans
- Holds Head of School accountable
- Collaborates with administrative leadership to ensure continuous improvement
Dr. John FranklBoard ChairPh. D. Harvard University
A.M. Harvard University
M.A. Yonsei University
B.A. University of California, BerkeleyDr. John Frankl studied Korean literature, earning his Ph.D. at Harvard University and completing a postdoctoral fellowship at U.C. Berkeley. He then accepted a full-time position as a professor at Yonsei University, serving in that position for nearly 20 years. Dr. Frankl began his involvement at Asia Pacific International School first as a parent. Deeply impressed with the school s commitment to excellence and innovation, he became a board member, later serving as chairperson. Although his daughter graduated in 2020, Dr. Frankl has chosen to remain in his position to ensure APIS continues to fulfill its mission of nurturing leaders of the New Pacific Century.
Dr. Jeong Yeol KimJSD. Kyeong Hee University Law School
B.A. Kyeong Hee UniversityDr. Jeong Yeol Kim is the founder of Yum Kwang Christian Schools in Seoul, Korea, which includes a Kindergarten, a middle school, and two high schools, and he has been an educator for more than fifty years. He is also a grandparent of one current APIS Hawaii Campus student and two APIS Seoul Campus graduates.
Dr. Kim played an instrumental role in shaping the Christian mission of our school. Dr. Kim believes strongly that APIS as a learning community must be a Christian bubble yet a place where students and educators of all faiths would be welcome. In such an environment, Dr. Kim believes we must practice Christian love for all people and share the Gospel. Centered in Christ, APIS allows each student to consider and accept the Christian faith in an atmosphere without pressure or the fear of disadvantage. In addition to serving on the APIS board, Dr. Kim has served on numerous other non-profit educational foundations. Most recently, he served as the board chair of Han Nam University, one of Korea's top Christian universities founded by Dr. William A. Linton, an American Presbyterian missionary. -
Dr. Eddie KimPh. D. Columbia University
M.A. Columbia University
B.A. Dartmouth CollegeDr. Kim has been an educator for 20 years and is the founding director of Asia Pacific International School. He received his B.A. from Dartmouth College and Ph.D. in economics from Columbia University. He began his educational career at the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, University of California, San Diego, where he taught four years as an assistant professor of economics. He then moved to Korea to teach at the Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei University. As a tenured professor, he taught at Yonsei for 15 years. In 2015, Dr. Kim resigned from the university to devote himself completely to his role as the founding director of both the APIS Seoul and Hawai'i campuses. Having been an international educator all his professional life, Dr. Kim is a strong proponent of the role that international education plays in nurturing future leaders of the New Pacific Century. APIS unique educational philosophy and mission reflect Dr. Kims conviction that international education should not simply teach about issues that are global but also provide authentic global learning experiences and contexts. Following this belief, Dr. Kim founded APIS Seoul as the campus of the East and APIS Hawai'i as the campus of the West, allowing our students to move freely between two campuses to take advantage of APIS s global learning environment.
Mr. Henry KimM.B.A. The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
B.A. Dartmouth CollegeMr. Henry Kim has worked in finance and investment for thirty years, most recently founding and managing a private equity firm that focuses on investment and value creation. Mr. Kim firmly believes that the education sector also needs investment and value creation efforts to ensure the institutions growth and sustainability for the benefit of students. Mr. Kim brings his board experiences from the corporate world, as he has served on the boards of Panax Etec, G.D.K. Cosmetics, Ukseung Chemical, Kolmar Korea Holdings, Kolmar Pharma, Kolmar B.N.H., Process Technologies & Packaging (U.S.A.), and Together Apps.
Dr. Michael KimPh.D. Harvard University
A.M. Harvard University
B.A. Dartmouth CollegeDr. Michael Kim is a professor of modern Korean history at Yonsei University's Graduate School of International Studies. He received a B.A. in history from Dartmouth College and a Ph.D. in Korean history from Harvard University's Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations. Dr. Kim has been a board member of the school since its founding and shares the vision of building a purpose-driven school for the New Pacific Century. Dr. Kim believes that APIS's intimate learning community is uniquely positioned to pioneer educational innovations that will become a driving force for enhancing social, cultural, and economic interactions between East and West.
Mr. Chankoo ShimM.P.I.A University of California, San Diego
M.A. Yonsei University
B.A. Yonsei UniversityMr. Chankoo Shim has been promoting a healthy lifestyle for nearly three decades as the founder and C.E.O. of a sports marketing company and the owner of a Belgian professional soccer club, A.F.C. Tubize. He has served on the board of various sports and health-related national institutions, including the Korean Basketball Association, the Korean Sports & Olympic Committee, and the Korean Sports Promotion Foundation. Mr. Shim brings his expertise in sports to APIS for the students to learn teamwork, aspiration, and perseverance - skills that will aid students in becoming leaders equipped for the opportunities of the New Pacific Century.